
Rachelle has a gift to guide people through their journey. My connection with her gives me the knowledge to understand and look at things with a step back. Her guidance lets me heal, understand and see things differently. She helps people in differents aspects of their life with her magic. It is the best gift that you can offer to yourself. 😇

Rachelle a un don qui permet de voir différemment et d’avancer. Sa guidance, son aura et son grand coeur permettent d’aller visiter plusieurs émotions et de faire le point dans différentes sphères de nos vies. Mes séances avec elle me permettent de faire le point, de voir clair, de me ressourcer et de m’apaiser. Sa compréhension des situations et son ouverture font d’elle une personne-ressource qui saura vous guider peu importe votre chemin. Le meilleur cadeau que l’on peut s’offrir💕
Eugénie – Sherbrooke Qc

I’m still in awe of the magic I was part of last night during our constellation circle! I want to say how very grateful I feel for your willingness to share your gifts,and time and for making it affordable too Rachelle!
I already experienced a change with my sons communication this morning 🙂
Kind regards and many good blessings.
Gillian – Victoria, B.C.

Working with Rachelle has helped me to move forward in making changes to key relationships in my life. Her insights have provided clarity in shifting some entrenched patterns and dynamics that had proven difficult to resolve with conventional therapy. I feel very fortunate to have found such a skilled and sensitive practitioner to assist in my personal growth. I recommend Rachelle very highly!
Lealle – Vancouver, B.C.

I reached out to Rachelle as I wanted another perspective. She not only gave me that in spades, but also made me feel and understand that perspective with her very complete knowledge of her field. Simply put, thank you Rachelle for the difference you have made.
Cedric. T- Barcelona

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©2021 Rachelle Hill. Some photos ©2021 Don Cecile. All rights reserved.