Conscious Coaching

Your life journey is uniquely yours

– even Dr Seuss said it: “There is no-one else who is you-er than you!”

So you deserve a personalized package that focuses on YOU.

We all have our own individual set of circumstances, cultural beliefs and dreams that are unique to us.  This package is a tailored program for you with a focus on achieving your intended goal.   Together, ( with the assistance of Spirit) we will organize a schedule of sessions that may include practical exercises, personal meditations, rituals, insight, somatic work, guidance and intuition.  

If you are stuck, needing a change, have anxiety and fear, negative belief systems, feel set back from trauma, or uncertain about what you need, I can help.  

Imagine the life you can have once you have cleared the path forward.  You can have more room in your life for doing what you love, living radiantly with vitality and joy.  To take a step towards that life, book a consult session and we can talk about your potential journey.

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©2021 Rachelle Hill. Some photos ©2021 Don Cecile. All rights reserved.