rachelle hill


Keep Out Private! Insight

I was walking in nature and came across this sign and it totally inspired me. PRIVATE! KEEP OUT! The message I received was clear:  I’ve gated myself out from parts of me. The path has always been there but there has been a gate up.  A gate that I...

Using your mind to manifest

Using your mind to manifest

Focus on the state of feelings and health that you want and access that state now.  How do you do it if it doesn't feel accessible? Activate your imagination- activate the ideas of creative living.  If you aspire to be a professional chef, act as if you already are...

Systemic Therapy/ Constellations

What is a Constellation and how can it help? A Constellation explores hidden dynamics in relationship systems.  It allows you to see and feel unconscious patterns in your life.  This healing tool is used to explore what is holding you back in your life and why you may...

Lens of love

What you look at and notice expands in your life.  If you spend the time and make a conscious effort to notice the good things in people, the beautiful pieces of art, the smiles on faces, this will bring you into greater harmony.  A simple change of direction and...

Garnish your life with positive thoughts.

Dr. Emoto’s request

Dr. Emoto's Request for Assisting Japan: Below is a special message from renowned Japanese Scientist who brought attention to the power of thought/prayer on water crystals. He has a special request for assistance tomorrow noon... To All People Around the World, Please...

Let love in

I just came back from the "I Can Do It" conference in Vancouver and am loving the after effects.  I have a deeper smile in my soul after having experienced this weekend and I know where I can go inside of myself to access the feeling.  I feel so blessed and grateful...

The present is here

As I write the title for this blog entry I realize the double meaning in the word present.  Present being now, in the moment and present being gift.   Both are here and now. My intention for this entry is to share with you the power of returning to the present to gain...


Is your glass half empty or half full?  If you focus on the part that is half full, on the water that you already have in your glass, you can appreciate that you have water to drink.  If you take that metaphor into your life and focus on what you already have, you are...

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©2021 Rachelle Hill. Some photos ©2021 Don Cecile. All rights reserved.